Zay Foggs Hair Replacement Specialists

Zay Cutz

Zay Cutz Indi


(4 Customer Stories)

Afro Hair Specialist, Straight Hair Specialist

5 years of experience

Mon-Sat 9-6pm

Indianapolis, IN

Zay Cutz Indi


Zay Foggs, aslo known as “ZayCutz” is a master barber who has been in the barber field for over 15 years. Due to the many years he has spent perfecting his craft, Zay has become notoriously known for
his attention to detail, consistently helping his clients achieve their desired look. In 2018 he was introduced to a new solution for balding men, non surgical hair replacements. He quickly realised that
there was a whole world of men and women dealing with skin and hair issues like alopecia and male pattern balding. So what started off as a sort of side hustle in college grew to be his career which has allowed him the opportunity to travel and give back to so many.

As a Certified Hair Loss Specialist, he was one of the first barbers in the midwest to offer custom hair units for men. Zay has traveled the states teaching classes and offering training to other barbers and stylists who are interested in growing their businesses. In 2020 he opened up “The Studio” in downtown Indianapolis, which allowed him to begin to build a team of intallation specialists in the heart of the city And in 2023 he opened “The Studio 2” in Atlanta, Georgia to continue to expand to those in need of this amazing service.

Recent transformations

Photos & Videos


Man weave ATL

2-4 week unit

For afro, coily and curly hair. This is a single hair piece matched to the colour and texture of you hair, applied with a skin safe adhesive. The unit is then styled and cut to produce an almost undetectable finish. This units last 3-4 month with proper care and maintenance.

Ratings and reviews

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