
Extravagant Techniques Hair Unit Class


(0 Customer Stories)



Class information

Looking to enhance your barbering skills? Join Lance Tatum, known as “LT” the Etbarber, for an exclusive Hair Unit Class. As a Hair Replacement Specialist and Master Barber with years of experience, LT brings unparalleled expertise to the table.

Owner of Extravagant Techniques Barbershop in Rockwall, LT has been perfecting hair replacement techniques since 2010. His journey began at 14, and after earning his Master Barber certification from Buckner Barber College, he has worked alongside celebrity barbers like John Cotton in Manhattan, NY.

Why Enroll in LT’s Hair Unit Class?

  • Expert Instruction: Learn from a seasoned professional.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Master scalp preparation, application, and styling.
  • Hands-On Training: Gain practical experience with LT’s guidance.
  • Career Boost: Expand your service offerings and increase your earning potential.

Recent classes


Hair Unit Class - Hands on Workshop

1 Day


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Hair Unit Class – Hands on Workshop


  • Certificate of Completion w/Starter Kit
  • Learn how to get leads
  • Learn how to prepare and apply a hair unit system
  • 1-3 week hair system
  • 3-5 month hair system

Register by August 24th – Class $750


