How to Stop Man Weave from Itching

HOW TO STOP MAN WEAVE FROM ITCHING Introduction Man weaves, also known as hair integration or hair replacement systems, are a popular option for men who want to add length, volume, or fullness to their natural hair. However, one of the common complaints with man weaves is itching. If you’re experiencing itchiness with your man […]

Pros and cons of Toupees

middle aged man with toupee

CONSIDERING A MENS TOUPEE? THE PROS AND CONS OF HAIR PIECES Introduction Unfortunately, millions of men throughout the globe suffer from male pattern baldness. It’s a common hair loss condition that impacts millions around the world and more and more people start to notice the symptoms every day. Hair loss isn’t relegated to older men. […]

What you need to know before getting loc extensions

hair growth

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE GETTING LOC EXTENSIONS Loc extensions are a type of hair styling technique for adding length, fullness and volume to one’s hair using methods that rely on a person’s own hair or a type of synthetic material. The majority of extensions today are made from 100% human hair. Introduction Not […]


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